[center][h3][color=0076a3]Tobias Rieper[/color][/h3] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ce/2e/c6/ce2ec6299a16be2ff9247359e67d7236.jpg[/IMG] [b]Location:[/b] Café [b]Interacting with:[/b] Angel [/center] [hr] [color=0076a3]"I always knew Grimbold was a strange one, but yeah. That was an new one."[/color] Tobias glanced around the Café, spotting Daniel, and returning his nod as Angel did. [color=0076a3]"I honestly have no idea what the hell the old man is doing anymore."[/color] Tobias found himself doubting whether he should really follow through on the task Grimbold gave him, but at this point it was too late to just turn around and pretend nothing happened. Not like he even had the money to move elsewhere. Besides, now Tobias wanted to find out what else Grimbold hadn't told them yet. If ended up being some creepy ass satanic cult shit where they offered their souls to the devil, he'd just call the cops and feign ignorance that he used to be a part of it. Despite being the newbie, Tobias had to admit Angel was taking this pretty well. He'd expected some more shock, fear. Perhaps she was stronger than him at that aspect. If Tobias had seen what Grimbold had done on the first meeting, he'd probably just slowly back away and avoid the whole sacrifice to the blood god thing. Tobias started to bite into a doughnut, savoring the sugary treat. Not a healthy breakfast in any way, but he figured he could spoil himself once in a while. [color=0076a3]"Anyway, Any idea how you're going to do what Grimbold asked of us?" [/color]