[b]Name:[/b] Hellen Nate Farrow [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Species(if not human, keep it minimal please):[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] She wears a light leather patted long sleeved shirt. On her hands, leather is thickened with more prevention of cuttings when knotting back an arrow from the long bow she owns. Where the leather gloves are held down by small rope strands, so they don't fall off. Following on with her fingers, they are leff bare among the thick leather padding on her hands. Then down to Hellen's leg wear. it consist of light leather padded jeans, leading down to her ankles. But around Hellen's ankles are yet tied down with small leather straps to stop unraveling moments and snares when moving locations in the wild terrain and on Hellen's feet, they are made of hard leather in a form of two pairs of boots, reinforced to ensure more protection on brambles. As mentioned before, Hellen carries a long bow. Where her arrow feathers are colored in three blue dots on the white fletching of her arrows. Hellen keeps close a cloak that colored black, that has a sewed in hood to shield her from the rain or sunlight when hunting. Hellen also keeps by on her belt a small dagger, located near her small bag that holds certain things. Then behind that belt bag is a skin, always filled of water. [b]Personality:[/b] Hellen is very alerted in her surroundings, as well as her time to act is now. But she is prone to hide out first and stalks her enemies in cover. Which then going in with the killing blow. It sometimes works or does not, because shes not all that good in aiming on target. But when a challenge rises. She will agree, depending on whats going on around her. She would rather let her natural surroundings to tell what way would be the right route for Hellen to decided upon. If shes was faced to not have her bow in dire needs. Shell start to panic slightly. Without her bow. Shes weaponless- or powerless in this case. Hellen is very quiet and selective on what she says when or with people at times. She rarely talks with a lot of people. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] Sharp reflexes and ability to spot things out of the ordinary. [b]Weapons/Equipment:[/b] Long bow, Bolt of arrows. Both to whom are strapped to her back and a small dagger to her left side [b]Occupation:[/b] Hunter [b]Rank(If in bandit clan, assigned by me):[/b] None [b]Bio(Optional):[/b] Hellen's family are built on the backbone of hunters, carpenters and lumber jacks. Her mother works with her husband near the neighboring forest of lumber jacks. Always out buying food for dinner. Whilst Hellen's father is out sawing down trees for wood. As a child. Hellen have grown an interest in keeping things in aim, whilst on target. It was until then she picked up her first long bow (The one she has now and will never depart from it.), to have min-a-ble strikes done on complete bullseye. But she thinks that she ante all that great in this archery stuff she has to learn to master it. [b]Other(Optional, if needed):[/b] None, at the moment.