[center][h2][I][color=75fbea] Oddessa Collette, Roseburg Conservatory High School, Roseburg Oregon [/color][/I][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://offbeatoregon.com/assets-2011/o1102c-roseburg-blast/o1102c-junior-high-1200.jpg[/img][/center] [color=75fbea][I] " Yes Steph, I'll come straight home. I have a lot of stuff to do anyway. Love you too." [/I][/color] Odessa hung up the phone and smiled at her Aunt's concern. She sat down under her locker and ran her fingers through her hair; things were going good for her right now. She was already packed to move away, she was going to attend Humboldt University and her Dad was moving to live near her. She had very few friends at this school, just like the other school's she had attended. She was used to it by now; she had learned by now not to expect intelligence out of people. She couldn't stand all the stupidity around her on a daily basis and it was often very hard for her to even speak knowing that no one would even understand what she said half the time. As highly ranked as this school was, it surprised her that half of these people even had high enough GPA's to attend it. This was supposed to be an honors school, but more than half of these people were only here for sports reasons. As much as she hated the people in the school, she loved the school itself. There were trees everywhere to sit under for shade, the grass was always perfect, there were hedges everywhere that were always perfectly trimmed, flowerbeds and fountains with nearby benches. The school had nearly 20 landscapers who made all of this beautiful scenery possible everyday. The whole atmosphere of the school was so peaceful. . . That is when there weren't idiots around. Sometimes, like today, Odessa would come sit out in the hallways when she didn't feel like being in the heat of the sun. It had been unusually hot that week and no one had wanted to go outside for lunch. She hoped the sun would stop throwing a temper tantrum soon. The trees needed rain and she hoped it would come soon. Realizing that 7th period was almost over, and wanting to beat the rush of football players down the stairs to the front door, she stood up, grabbed her backpack and clicked down the hallway in her heeled boots and down the stairs. The sudden temperature change made her head a little dizzy but after a few seconds, her body got used to the uncomfortable swelter. Looking at her phone, she saw that it was 93 degrees outside. Thank god she had worn a dress today. Walking home, her Aunt texted her and said that she had a surprise for her. Odessa smiled; her Aunt always thought of her.