[quote=@Hellis] [@Fallenreaper] Certeinly. But it is always important to keep up with what is Present tense in a rp like this. Timelines are important~~ [/quote] True and it was mostly just a suggestion. Moving too fast and omitting some scenes can also be an issue as we just need to figure out a balance between off screen stuff and on screen stuff. Else we start running into issues within our own PCs and their behavior really. For example, I'm pretty sure if Vellios massively fucked up on a mission and Mirage made it public knowledge, not everyone would be very chummy with him afterwards and some might actually chew his carapace out for his stupidity or ignore him out of spite. This affects their attitudes later toward him as well which can be good, bad or plain ugly in scenes both action packed and lull scenes. Not to mention a few of us are doing collabs before we all acquire and get into the truck, so they are naturally going to be out of order because we want to feel out how our PCs see and feel about each other before the action. I'm sure I can alter one of the collabs setting time with a brief mention of it happening like an hour before they all pile into the truck as I'm sure several different PCs are going to interact while they are waiting for the truck off screen to arrive. This would lessen the time twisting. Also, we might want to consider posting collabs into segments rather than all at once. This would make them less overwhelming and also less isolating. Just a thought.