[@Gravislayer] [@MonsieurShade] [@Draconequis] Sweat dripping down her brow Reema was quick to dispatch the last of the jaggi, letting the creatures scatter when they realized that their pack leader was taken down. Her breathing coming in great gusts as her chest rose and feel over her steel plates she began to focus on easing the madness that pumped in her veins. Moving to the kill she wasted no time in trying to move the Great Jaggi, using her shoulder she dug into his side, hoisting him up as though he were a fallen beam in the barn. If she had problems controlling her breath than it was gone, not a single gust escaped her lips as she tried to get her comrade free. Moment she saw he was she let the body fall, a thump echoing through the cavern as she loosened up her shoulder and offered Jacque a hand up, giving him a pat in the process. "Well, its not what we planned but he would keep the village stocked for a while..and" She was already looking at the beast, nodding her head as she mumbled to herself. "Male, not young but not old ether...He'll make some great armour with that hide, bet ya you could add a tooth to that great sword of yours." Looking back at her group she let out a sigh. "Well guys, it seems to me that we work well together, even without a plan made. is everyone aright?" She wasn't lying ether. She liked the way they worked, and was more than excited to really start going on adventures together. "We fought and drew blood together, in my family that means we're all brothers and sisters." Turning back to the beast she knelt down, carefully reaching out and closing the eye that clouded over facing the sky. "Rest my friend, thank you for your sacrifice." She was making ideas of what could be used for him, every part had a use and she was going to make sure nothing went to wast. Yet seeing the new woman Reema stood once more, a brow raised mis matched eyes looked down at the little tyke. "My name is Reema Zarule. And what was your reasoning for this hunt if I may ask? I checked the jobs in the village nothing asked for a great jaggi, we were the ones to take the request for his followers." She was indeed curios about the entire thing. She was so small yet acted so angry, it was not a good mind set to walk on the battle field with. Sure in a war with humans anger allowed one to go on, but against a monster? No, you always needed to keep your wits about you. No monster is ever the same. Is thats how she fights than she could get killed one day if she keeps it up.