[center] [h1] [color=f7941d]Дуака[/color] [/h1] [/center] Дуака slipped his hood up as soon as he left the passenger ship. [i]Wouldn't want anyone to panic[/i] he thought. It's hard, when you are a shadow freak, to live in society normally, but he wasn't normal. Especially now that he had taken this job. Who knows how long it would be, how many thing he would see and do. He noticed it in the corner of his eye. A man in a dark coat was looking at him and speaking to his watch. Дуака turned around toward the shuttle. Another man in the same style of coat was standing in the crowd, watching him. Дуака flipped back around and walked faster. He took out his data pad and typed in the address on the post, it would lead him to a shipyard housing the ship they were taking. The Sweet Anne. It reminded him of Анна back home. He hoped that this ship would be as sweet as his Anna. Дуака reached an alleyway and turned the corner. Time to lose his tail. Дуака shadowed and watched the entrance to the dark side street. And on cue two men peaked around the corner, gave a quick swear and started sprinting down the alley, right past Дуака. As soon as they were past him a ways, he unshadowed and took out his data pad, right up this way was the shipyard. Дуака twisted his way through the alleys to avoid the cameras on the streets and eventually found the back entrance to the shipyard. The words [i]South Bay Hangar[/i] were on the door. This would be the place. Дуака walked through the door and head someone talking. He shadowed as he slowly snuck up to watch. A man was urinating on a huge hunk of scrap metal parts.[color=f7941d]"Hey! Stop doing that to the ship, treat it with respect or I will shoot you!,"[/color] someone yelled. Ship? Oh, the scrap metal was the ship. So much for "Sweet". Oh well, it's a man offering him a job, hard to come by these days. He unshadowed and strolled up to the group of men standing next to the ship. The man reliving himself almost jumped off the planet when he saw Дуака. [color=f7941d]"Do you have a problem, sir?"[/color]