James kneeled motionlessly on the ground in front of her, his head bowed as he waited for her answer. She didn’t seem too pleased with her father’s announcement and he felt his stomach turn as he listened to her talk. His sister would have a stroke if he told her he turned down the job because the Miss asked if he truly wanted to go. In his mind he understood that going with her would mean a lot for his master, the young miss, his sister and himself but leaving Annie behind was pulling at his heart while denying this opportunity was turning his stomach inside out. Realizing that the attention was on him as she declared that he would have to agree with it in order; he let out a small sigh before raising his head to look at her. “It’s my honor to serve you in whatever aspects of your life I can be helpful with. When your father offered me this position, it took my time to think it over before I gave your father my yes. It’s my fault you weren’t informed sooner.” With that he bowed his head again. “I won’t let it happen again.” With that the Sunday rolled around and James was missing most of the weekend before Sunday afternoon rolled around and it was time to move Freya to her apartment on campus. James stood outside of the manor in front of a sleek fashionable [url=http://www.freeiqquizz.com/images/1419009152.jpg]silver car[/url] waiting for his Miss to come out after saying her final good byes to everyone else. He had the door to the back seat waiting for her, his sister stood next to him. “You’re doing the right thing…” She said softly to him only to watch his sigh. A closed lip smile moved across her face as she watched the door waiting for it to open. He was sighing because he knew she had won and that he was going. During his down time he would study and learn more about cooking. James was too good at it not to take up the chance he had. Their bodies straightened up as they saw the front door open and Frey step out. Annie smiled brightly at the young Miss while James wore the same straight face he always did.