"[b]Well, this wasn't exactly how I expected my first hunt off the island to go, but it sure as hell was fun! Suffice to say we're brothers in blood now![/b]", Jacque stated as he picked up his helmet and gingerly sheathed his sword before belting out a slightly pained laugh. With the adrenaline from battle still pumping through his veins and holding most of the pain at bay, the hunter found himself to be positively giddy at the moment. The pint sized newcomer was showing an almost surprising amount of regret despite her previously fiery temper, something Jacque found to be mildly amusing, "[b]Don't worry about it, this sort of stuff comes with the job after all.[/b]". Jacque started to move towards the spot where the head of the Great Jaggi used to be, then clucked his tongue softly in mild annoyance as he found himself met with a stump. The head had rolled down the hill at the lip of the cave. A minor inconvenience, but one that could be quickly remedied. "[b]Huh. Guess i'd better go get that head back back if we're to bring a proper trophy. Don't want the villagers to thing we just happened upon a carcass after all.[/b]". He began trudging down the hill without bothering to wait for a response for the others, doing a bit of a self checkup as he went. Though the armor had done its job, his shoulder was throbbing- Jacque knew that after a thorough cleaning of the tooth marks he could expect a nice crop of scabs and more than a few bruises in the morning-, his hand was singing a similar tune, though to remedy that he'd be needing a few stitches and a potion, his head was starting to hurt a bit from the collision with the Great Jaggi's jaw, and his legs cramped from being pinned under the beast. All in all a productive day in the life of a monster hunter. Jacque rifled through his armor a bit and came away with an herb which quickly found itself being crammed into his mouth. Adrenaline may have been one hell of a drug, but Jacque knew the moment he came down from that high he'd be hitting the dirt real quick without something to heal him up a bit and numb the pain. He powered through the bitter tasting plant as he came face to face with the blank stare of the Great Jaggi's head. Detached from the body the thing almost looked fake; with it's leathery scales, frill, and the outcropping of fur on the top of it's head, it looked as though it had been cobbled together with parts from different creatures to see what suck. Still, bizarre or not the beast was a holy thing, and it deserved to be treated as such. Jacque knelt down and placed his helmet beside the Jaggi's head, "[b]I thank you for honoring me with combat, and for giving me the opportunity to see how my comrades fight. I hope that you final moments were grand.[/b]" he muttered. Jacque traced his hands along the creature's muzzle, trailing them upwards slightly as he bend down and pressed his forehead against the head of the Jaggi. He stayed like that for a few seconds, almost entering a trance like state before he snapped back to reality. After donning his helmet once more, Jacque hefted up the head of the Jaggi and trudged back up the hill, taking a tad bit longer than before due to the incline and the additional weight. "[b]Well friends-[/b]" He began once reaching the top, "[b]I say now's as good a time as any to take our carves and whatever else we need and get gone before something else shows up. It'd be just our luck if a successful hunt got cut short by something bigger an' meaner arriving on the scene.[/b]". His warning given Jacque gently placed the head on the ground and turned expectantly to Elysia, "[b]I trust you're getting a carve or two as well for your efforts, yeah? Might not be the kelbi you wanted, but hey, better than nothing, right?[/b]".