[@Princeofhearts][@Clanty][@PhoenixForce][@Roosan][@Archmage MC][@Crimson Clover][@BlackPanther][@TimeMasterX][@Divine Darkness] [@Pumpkinlord] Has asked me to Co-GM and as I am accepting, I'll be re-viewing all the SC-es and asking a few things or making requests to smooth things out. A.V.E.N.G.E.R.S. American Villain Engagement Network, Global Emergency Response System [@Crossfire] As frank castle has no powers, there is no reason at all to not give him the symbyote. I could easily see him operating like the current 'agent Venom' with Flash Thompson. but there is even precedence for the request: [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/2887/i/2014/007/8/c/symbiote_punisher_by_iglazyass-d717z3w.jpg[/img]