Weiss nodded. "I owe Ruby alot father. I apologize for doubting you. The least we could do is help her sister. Father I hope you find the cure fast. The longer the blood effects Yang's mind I fear she will be lost. We have a week before the effects become perminent. Tho I wonder what purpose the Grimm Mistress could have with her.." She looked at Genya. "Yang has no connection to that girl we saw right? I mean the one with the bow? And I doubt she has any to the Mistress as well.." "....Faunus mating season.." A voice said that belonged to a young woman dressed in armor that made her look like a greek warrior. This was Pyrrah Nikalos. "We have intel on what species the Mistress is. However her choosing Yang as mate could also mean something else. It may very well mean Yang may not be a normal human. Not a Faunus but perhaps its her..power.." Weiss looked at Pyrrah. "Power?" "Yang Xiao Long may have a hidden power locked away inside her. If misused it could be the key to destruction. We believe it is the Golden flames..." "What is that?" Weiss asked. "According to records it is said to be a power that nearly burned the world to ashes centuries ago. It was the remains of the Fire Priestess. She desired to end the Grimm but to destroy the Lord of Grimm she ended up burning some of the world to ashes. Her power may still exist.." Pyrrah said. "Its just a legend.." Weiss said. "True but think about it. If I am right.." She then looked at Dalton. "Forgive my intrusion..anything I can do.." She said bowing. Blake and Yang were now involved in...stuff.