Programming Sektor to be more subtle with analysis? Kate couldn’t have agreed more. She found that she had been staring for a tad bit longer than was probably deemed ‘appropriate’ as he revealed the prosthetic arm. Not because it was strange to her or frightening even...instead she found herself struck with a sense of awe. Combining robotics and human tissue had always fascinated her whenever it was brought up. Maybe it was because she knew more about wires and motherboards than she did about her own immune system. She noted the registration labeled on the arm, mentally noting the name of the organization, but it didn’t strike as familiar to her. “Please, call me Kate. Katherine is what my parents call me when I’ve done something wrong.” She said, extending her own hand out to shake the robotic arm. It was cool in her grip, which shouldn’t have surprised her. She worked with robots all the time; she should have known that the extension of Jack’s own handshake would feel as if she were shaking hands with a robot. Perhaps it was just the sheer thought that a man…a man with his own thoughts, heart, brain and mind was attached on the other side. As she relaxed her hand back to her side, with somewhat of a faint blush still remaining on her cheeks, she overheard the radio and felt her stomach drop. “Wait…did she just say The Spit? Someone’s dead?” She asked, all color draining from her face. Somehow, she knew that her cousin had something to do with this. She put her hand to her forehead, biting her lower lip a bit as she tried to push Deon out of her mind. The Spit was a common meeting ground for guys like her cousin. She had to be rational, it could have been anyone…right? “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude.” She cleared her throat and then pointed over Jack’s shoulder to his left a bit. “There’s a terminal over there that could grant you access…but at this hour, you might find yourself caught in a jam…” She hesitated, thinking over her next words carefully. She knew she had an update to install, hell she had to create it first…but this was something she couldn’t ignore. “But I could give you a ride if you would like. I have my own car…”