[h3]South Bay Hangar[/h3][hr] [b]"Hey! Stop doing that to the ship, treat it with respect or I will shoot you!," Azir yelled out as he neared the ship, his facial tentacles flaring out in anger. [/b] [i]The port crewmen turned to face the other men yelling at them. The man zipped up his pants and called back, "Your not gonna shoot anyone sweetheart this here is-OH MY GOD!" He tumbled backwards at the sight of the C'lok, and the swirling shadows of the man behind him. "Do you have a problem, sir?" said the Тень. The drunk mechanic fell off the side of the ship. His safety harness snagged on his partner and he too followed with a yelp, falling to the ground below. The harness snapped back and the two men were stuck dangling a few feet from the hangar floor, confused and covered in urine. One of them began snoring loudly. Erek thought he heard a whimper from the other.[/i] [h3][center]Captain Erek[/center][/h3] Erek watched the exchange with slight amusement. The squid-man looked familiar to Captain Erek but he couldn't quite place the face er..tentacles. [i]A C'lok in this sector?[/i] he thought approaching the man. [color=mediumpurple]"You looking for a job?"[/color] he asked. Then the man from shadow stepped forward. Erek hesitated. Captain Erek had heard of the [i]Тень[/i] but never seen one in person. [color=mediumpurple]"And you? I...hope your here for a job as well?"[/color] Erek stared at the two mercenaries. The cold dead eyes of the C'lok unnerved him. The shadows swirling around the Тень seemed to grow darker, more intense the longer Captain Erek was in his presence. [color=mediumpurple]"Come on fella's what'll it be? You looking for a job?"[/color]