[hr][hr] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/7/7f/Ant-Man_vol2_(2014)_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20141218151813[/img] [sub][i][b]“It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.”[/b][/i] M A R K T W A I N[/sub][/center] [hr][hr][center][color=C24641][sub][b]T H E T I N I E S T A V E N G E R[/b][/sub][/color][/center] [b]T H E T R I S K E L I O N - U N I T E D S T A T E S[/b] [indent]Hank wasn’t exactly [i]on time[/i] for the little meeting for the prospective group of “Avengers” that was held in one of the various simulation rooms that the Triskelion had on-base. Though with recent holotech advancements you probably wouldn’t have noticed it being a simulation room when you walked in. Of course, Hank didn’t know that because he was there (because he wasn’t), he knew that because Agent Carter had given him the heads up. Much less abrasive than Agent Laskov… but not as commanding. For some reason he had a sort of preference for “bossy”. “[color=C24641]Well, this is the Ant-Man.[/color]” Hank stated as he steadied the helmet he had placed on his head as the facemask portion dropped into place. “[color=C24641]It’s kind of a big deal.[/color]” Agent Carter nodded. “It certainly looks like a powered suit.” Hank sighed, “[color=C24641]You know, you could be a little more fun.[/color]” “Not really in my job description, Pym.” “[color=C24641]That’s a shame. If you let loose a little I imagine you’d be a lot more fun at parties. Ah, who am I kidding you don’t go to parties. What with this career military vibe you’re giving off. Bet you had family in the organization and if not SHIELD, probably something like it. SWORD? CIA? FBI? The New York Knicks? Dominos?[/color]” Carter let out a giggle, cracking from Hank’s nonsense for a minute. “[color=C24641]There it is. Anyway—[/color]” Hank took a step forward as they continued walking now that Hank had ‘suited’ up, “[color=C24641]—is Cap going to meet us at the door or what?[/color]” “He’s observing. From what I hear the session has already started, so you’ll be going in as a surprise. That doesn’t matter. Cap thinks it simulates the field appropriately. You’ll be dealing with… well, good luck.” “[color=C24641]I guess I don’t get any additional information… darn. Thanks, though.[/color]” Hank actually remained quiet for the rest of the walk to the exterior of the room, contemplating in the silence what the best route to go was with. Given he didn’t know [i]who[/i] he was up against he wasn’t sure how to prepare for the simulation rounds. However, by the sound of Carter’s previous comment he expected something ‘big’ and he started making calculations after remember what Cap had said about the prospective line-up. [i]“We have one possible god, one god, one being who is essentially a god, a super soldier, a girl who can travel between dimensions and take a hell of a punch and we have a tech advisor who's a billionaire and pisses me off.”[/i] Hank frowned quizzically underneath the faceplate of his helmet. This probably meant he was either facing a [i]possible[/i] god, a god, or someone who was god by a different name. There were a few names that popped up due to Hank’s keeping up with the ‘kardashians’ so to speak. “[color=C24641]So, you’re sending me in against a god. I’m just a guy in a suit.[/color]” “I’ll tell Captain America ab—” “[color=C24641]—this is going to be a fun challenge.[/color]” “I see. Good luck.” Agent Carter took a step back as she looked at the door that led into the simulation room. As the door opened Hank could feel an intensity. The funnest part of this was that he had did some tweaks on the Ant-Man suit just the other day as crime-fighting had gotten a bit more… dull. He had started to incorporate some designs his father never got around to and he was all about testing them out. It also poised a classic question to Hank. Who is stronger? An Ant or a [i]god?[/i] The doors swung open. [b]“[color=C24641]I guess you can call me tru[i]ant[/i] for this shindig.[/color]”[/b] Hank nearly laughed at his own pun as he held his hand over his wrist.[/indent]