[center][img]http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc415/LillithChristfoREVer296/Layout%20Pictures/RP%20Pictures/alivegirl4_zps0090f8a8.jpg[/img] ~stands at 4'9~ ~weighs roughly 98 pounds~ Adelyn Rowan but is called Little Red because of her hood 16 Human Adelyn is a very sweet and kind individual. She puts everyone else's needs before her own and she will go out of her way to help people. She generally is very passive and keeps out of arguments though she will, at times, leap into one to try and calm everyone down; without any regards to her own safety. She is very shy to people she doesn't know but once she gets to know someone she is very bubbly and gentle. She hardly ever yells or raises her voice and in the midst of violence she tends to flee to somewhere quiet. She enjoys reading or drawing and does so to calm down, though she hardly ever shows her drawings to anyone. Adelyn is very insecure and is full of doubts about herself. She gets flustered very easily and tends to stutter and blush before she finally just gives up and hides her face. She hates making people upset and tends to become upset herself, and in most cases crying and apologizing. Even before Adelyn was born her mother expressed extreme dislike for her child. She never wanted to have one and she would have had an abortion if not for her husband forcing her not too. Her mothers dislike grew into hate when Adelyn was born and she didn't resemble either of her parents. Her mother from then on said that Adelyn was not her child and she didn't want to have anything to do with her. Adelyn's father raised her, considering her mother couldn't stand to be in the same room with her daughter. Adelyn put on a brave front, acting like her mothers actions didn't hurt her but she cried herself to sleep every night wondering what she did to make her mother hate her so much. Adelyn's life turned for the worst when her father died in a car crash. The family had been driving to the beach for Adelyn's 10th birthday when Adelyn remembered she had forgotten her bear. She never went anywhere without it so she begged her father to turn around. He did and was across an intersection when a man ran the red light and slammed right into them. Her father was killed instantly, since it had been on his side and Adelyn and her mother were only bruised with some cuts. Her mothers dislike turned into hate and she took out her anger on her daughter, abusing her with words and, when she turned 12, with fists. No one ever suspected a thing because Skylar hide the bruises. On Adelyn's 16th birthday her mother disappeared all day, leaving the young girl at home by herself. That night her mother came home smelling of alcohol. She saw Adelyn and immediately flew into a rage, hitting and kicking at her daughter, not even stopping with the little girl was on the floor curled into a ball. After that the neighbors burst down the doors because they heard the screaming and Adelyn was taken from her mother. Having no other relatives to speak of Adelyn was to be put in the orphanage but before that could happen she was taken by a man. She didn't have a clue where he took her and her panic turned to terror when she was handed a parachute and pushed out of a plane. Adelyn fainted before she could hit the ground, a small pond breaking her fall. She was dragged out of the water and she woke up, terrified in a strange place with other girls tied up next to her. (Partner: Open {And It doesnt matter to me wether we choose or you choose though my thing with us being able to choose is that there might be arguments because more than one person might want to be partnered with the same person so in my personal opinion it would be a lot easier if you did the pairing}) She never takes off her red cloak, not even when she sleeps.[/center]