It had taken Kali a while to get used to getting up early and getting a head start. Usually she would play all night and rest throughout the day so it was strange that the game had fixed her sleeping schedule. Still she had to admit that there was something pleasant about getting up early. The game world offered a way better view than what she had seen before. Kali was well aware of how much stronger her spells were growing especially since she had gone the direction of mostly healing she was capable of casting spells that lasted longer. She was mostly eager to get to level 30 since she would be able to collect feathers from a special type of bird that was found within the level 30 zones. She could buy them of course but she found the act a waste of money since the feathers could only be used for a special skill. Like Alakai's mediation she found that Clerics had levitation. It didn't really do much except Clerics could avoid taking damage from extreme heights. Unlike the Monks though the skill required the use of a feather to activate and there was a time limit for it. Kali had been surprised though when he mentioned taking a day off for a break. She was not only excited but eager to take it easy. They had been leveling hard and though their progress was great it was a little tiring at times. There was that and of course she was eager to surprise Alakai with something she had been working on whenever she had free time. Kali had been eating downstairs as she was up early due to having grown used to it. She was enjoying her pancakes drenched in a sweet syrup that resembled maple, however the sweetness had tinge of cinnamon. Shoving a fork full into her mouth she caught sight of Alakai as she waved him over though it was fairly obvious he knew where she was. Still she was excited. Swallowing her food she smiled at him, "I sure am! I even prepared something for us," she said as she quickly opened her inventory. Immediately she took something out as as held it up in the air for Alakai to witness. "Look! I made this for you!" She said with obvious pride as she held onto what looked like skimpy male swimwear. "I got the material off the scuttlebugs we fought a few days back, so the material is suitable for the water! I didn't really have enough since I had to make mine too," she said as she showed him hers though it was just as skimpy as his. If she had more material she could have made it a little more proper but still it required other material she didn't have. Either way she was mostly just joking around with him. She had noticed this when she had accidentally changed her material when she added a extra cloth or materials to her work. It would change the final output depending on what she used. As her tailoring increased she realized that she could make outfits designed purely for appeal. Course the stats of them were terrible since they were mostly worn for their looks. That had opened doors, if she collected rare material she could actually make special types of clothing for aesthetics in which could be sold, especially during special events where there were monsters that had special drops. "Sooo? Nice aren't they? I worked all night on it." She said as she placed the male swim wear in his hands before she returned hers back into her inventory.