[center][h1]Azir L'thotos[/h1][/center] Azir began laughing at the men who seemed to be afraid of him, then he heard a man speak from behind him. [b]"Do you have a problem, sir?,"[/b] the voice asked which earned a slight huff from Azir. [b]"Why yes I- WAH!,"[/b] the C'lok yelped as he turned to see the Тень, jumping back a bit. Azir had thought they were a mere myth that had been created to scare people but apparently not. However, Azir quickly got his cool back to him and gave out a laugh, laughing that he had managed to be scared by something other than the thought of being caught by the law. That was before the human came up and offered a job to the pirate and the strange mutation that apparently intimidated the human. [b]"Why yes I am looking for a job,"[/b] Azir answered, a smile coming from behind facial tentacle. [b]"I am Azir L'thotos. I am just your average man and nothing else,"[/b] the pirate said, introduced himself in a bit of a happy tone. He was glad see that someone had been offering a job.