[h3]The Sleeper's Spine Mountains[/h3][hr] [b](Geography)[/b] [b]Brief Historical Summary[/b] For generations, the Sleepers-Spine Mountain Range or simply 'The Spine' has captured the imaginations of mankind. A short journey north of the [b]Relnish Heartland[/b], the mountains remain a source of mystery and ritual for many. The mountains are divided into three distinct ranges and elevations, the oldest and most sacred , [color=steelblue]The Fingers of St. Titus[/color], hold the immensely important [b]Fountain of Light[/b], a holy site crucial to the binding & branding ritual of the [b]The Convent of the Seven Souls[/b]. Legend tells of the mythic [color=steelblue]Sky Elves[/color] and their cloud cities atop The Spine during the reign of [b]Emperor Haldisfar[/b]. The ruins of those cloud-city towers can still be seen on clear, cloudless days as far away as [b]The Kingdom of Rhiordan[/b], appearing as the bony spine of some slumbering monster, giving the mountains their current name. In the time of [b]Emperor Haldisfar[/b] he used this imposing appearance to dissuade followers of [b]Great Ignaes[/b] from travelling into the mountains. Many modern scholars now associate this 'shunning' of the mountains with the appearance of [color=steelblue]Stone Trolls[/color] some 800 years ago. It is well recorded in the histories of Reln that [b]Haldisfar[/b] died, not on [b]Pelmar's Lake[/b] in some mock-naval battle of whimsy, (as is a popular tale among bards of the land) but rather on the field of battle, defending the immensely important [b]Fountain of Light[/b] from the horde of [b]Stone Trolls[/b] that emerged from the [color=steelblue]Valsyian Wilds[/color] on the northern side of the mountains. Whatever the case, both the [b]Stone Trolls[/b] (although in considerably decreased numbers[sup]1[/sup]), the various offshoots of that vile creature and the [b]Fountain of Light[/b] still exist to this day. [hr] [b]The Sleepers Spine Mountains[/b] [i]..excerpt from 'Updated & Annotated Geography & History of the Kingdoms of Man' by Brother Rufus Crowler, Vol. 37 [/i] [i]Royal Library, Kingdom of Reln[/i] [sup]1[/sup][i]Royal Rangers Report, Sleepers-Spine Mountain Range, St. Titus Fingers Area, Master Ranger Toma Valsoon[/i] yr.XXXX