Elysia watched as the man with the shoulder wound just brushed her apology off, and wandered down the hill to gather the head. Well that was annoying, and now she probably looked like the worst hunter in the world. Whatever, she could really care less what others thought of her anyways. Elysia simply nodded to the man said something about cutting into the Jaggi. [color=ed1c24]"Only if you are sure i didn't do more harm than good."[/color] she stated dryly, catching the disapproving glance of the other woman. She sat down on a rock and wiped her blade in the grass to rid it of most of the Jaggi blood before she started to sharpen it with a whetstone. She glanced up at the man with the gun lance. [color=ed1c24]"Elysia."[/color] She grunted. [color=ed1c24]"It wasn't as if i had a choice. I had the scent of blood on my blade. At any moment they would have turned on me and tried to kill me. So i figured.. get the jump on them."[/color] At the secondary invitation to loot the corpses, Elysia shrugged and stood, deciding that it was probably time to harvest whatever was left. She skinned one of the ones whose head she'd chopped off, setting the skin to dry in the sun as she worked on getting the meat, cutting out the intestines and letting them spill in the dirt. She moved with the expertise of someone who was used to culling and preparing livestock. Bones were wedged between layers of fat and meat, pulling out a daggar, she cut a few slices and inched them out, covered in sinew and blood. The little ones were harder to harvest, and their bones were.. pretty much useless. The claws and teeth however.. certainly going to be at least a little useful. If someone knew how, they could probably use what was in a single Jaagi to feed themselves for at least a day or two. Keeping that in mind, Jaagi was a very gamy, acquired taste. It made better jerky than anything else. Maybe she'd pay someone to prepare it for her. [color=ed1c24]"I know a guy who used to eat Jaggi eyes."[/color] She stated as she pryed teeth out of the severed head of one of the smaller Jaggi.