[@Polybius] [center][h3][color=ed1c24]Isabelle "Izzy the Shattergun" Ozborne[/color][/h3][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][color=olivedrab][b]RE:Payday[/b]; « « no replies » » Erek again. Ship departing 10:00, Port Hangar 6, south bay. Simple grab-bag-and-deliver job. Payment upon receipt. Details given for serious inquiries. Probable belligerents. Bring a gun or two.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] "[color=ed1c24]Huh...sounds like an easy job.[/color]" Isabelle Ozborne, AKA 'Izzy the Shattergun.' Normally, she would be in bed at this hour, sleeping off a bad hangover. However, she had to make an exception this time. She had been spending the last few weeks tracking down a certain gun dealer that sold her a pissful sniper rifle. The guy was an elusive bastard, but Izzy was too determined for him to escape her grasp forever. Before he was probably counting his profits. Now he's tied up with three missing fingers, one missing thumb, one hole in his left hand, and a chunk of his right hand shot off. She was about to test out whatever **** guns the man was planning to rip people off with on him, until she got that message from 'Erek.' Apparently he was offering an easy job for anyone willing. After what she had to deal with because of this gun dealer, she actually felt like this job would be a good way to work the stress off. Whether it'd be relaxing or exciting, she didn't care. She just needed to get some better guns. Thing about crooks like the gun dealer is that they usually save their best stuff for big buyers. Another thing about guys like him is that they carry that stuff with them when they're on the run. Surprisingly they keep it with them in special cases, and it was fairly easy to find. Different locks, depending on the person, but this dealer was an idiot, so it was easy to open it up. Inside were two pretty impressive guns. A customized fully automatic submachine gun, and a high-powered semi-automatic sniper rifle complete with a special scope. Chuckling at her spoils, she also grabbed the rounds from the case for obvious reasons. She had a job to do and a ship to catch, so she started on her way to Port Hanger 6...Well, after she shot the dealer several more times with his ****ty guns. ...It took a while to navigate her way, but she found the place. The ship, unsurprisingly, looked like a rust bucket. Lo and behold, it also had a bunch of idiots doing things that she honestly would have shot them for. Unfortunately some other people showed up to handle the situation. Things got worked out...in a way. They went over to another person, who Izzy assumed to be Erek. She walked over to him, and spoke up. "[color=ed1c24]Hey, I'm here for the job.[/color]"