[quote=@Mardox] By a dark god, I mean a malevolent deity of destruction. Power levels like one of us (or maybe between us and the bigshots). Domain: Destruction, Portfolio: Fire. He would rampage across at least one world (I'm assuming that many worlds had sapient life in the old universe) after the protector god of said world got bored and left/died/mysteriously disappeared/ etc. I was hoping to include him in Vakarlon's backstory as the collab post between Hael and I has Vulamera trying to unlock memories to understand what happened to the old universe. The memories of Vakarlon would show his past life but not reveal any mysteries about what happened to the old universe or how the deities were gathered for the new universe. [/quote] Hmm, doesn't seem to clash with anything I've got in mind for the game-world. When you said 'I'm assuming that many worlds had sapient life in the old universe' and the 'protector god of said world got bored...' do you mean 'planet' when you say world? Do PM me the post before putting it up though, just so I can check it