[center] [h1] [color=f7941d]Дуака[/color] [/h1] [/center] [color=f7941d]"Come on fella's what'll it be? You looking for a job?" [/color] [color=f7941d]"Why yes I am looking for a job, I am Azir L'thotos. I am just your average man and nothing else,"[/color] Дуака looked into the human's eyes. There was fear, no doubt, but something else stuck out in his emotions. Determination, for what ever reason, Erek, he assumed, was determined to get a crew together and complete this job. This coupled with the need of a job made Дуака come to a rather quick decision [color=f7941d]"Im in, under one condition. When this is over, I get another offer on the next one, The name's Дуака.[/color] Дуака stated with a smile and a quick laugh. He forgot that even in his condition, a small social cue like a laugh can calm an entire group down. As for the C'lok, Azir, he seemed to look over Дуака quite carefully. Kind of like he was a walking myth. A woman who had been watching the group since he arrived, walked carefully over to them and said, [color=f7941d]"Hey, I'm here for the job."[/color] [i]This is quite a party[/i], Дуака thought to himself. A noise outside caught his attention, Дуака heard the sound of sprinting footsteps coming from outside the shipyard. He looked around and saw a security camera looking at him and the group from atop a security checkpoint tower. [i]Damn![/i], Дуака put his finger to his mouth and gestured for the group to be quiet, he shadowed and moved to a darker area in the yard. He pulled out his silenced pistol that was stuffed inside his cloak. He barely got the gun out in time for the two men in dark coats to walk into the room.