[center][b][h2][color=seagreen]Daniel Reyes[/color][/h2][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/txR2182.jpg[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Castle Street Cafe [b]Interacting With:[/b] Teryn [@karamonnom][/center][hr][hr] It was eerie almost as Daniel watched more members of his dark family walk through the door of the Cafe. Teryn was the first soon followed by Angel and Tobias. But not too long after Daniel sat down at Teryn's table did Eddie and Sky enter within minutes of each other. Now, he wasn't superstitious by any means, but it felt like an omen with so many of them gathered in a public place like this. It was silly feeling that way seeing how each one of them was practically a walking omen, harbingers of bad luck and ill will. However, this felt different. Maybe it was just the lingering whispers of last night's events still weighing heavy in his mind, but they hardly ever gathered together like this unless it was under the light of the full moon deep in the woods. Forcing himself to ignore the cold shiver that ran up his spine, Daniel returned his attention back to Teryn as she spoke. He was a little hesitant now that she was requesting his presence after work. [b][color=seagreen]"That should be fine. I get off at 1 and don't really have anything planned after work..."[/color][/b] Daniel's hesitation soon faded though after he noticed how unbearably fidgety she was. [i][color=seagreen]This must be really hard for her, asking for help. Poor girl...[/color][/i] He felt bad now that he had doubts in the beginning regarding her intentions. She merely needed help with the mission Grimbold had assigned them. He mentally berated himself for his lack of trust but it was safer that way. [b][color=seagreen]"I'll help you out but don't worry about owing me anything..."[/color][/b] Daniel would feel guilty if she felt she was indebted to him. The fact that she felt she could trust him was payment enough. Maybe in turn he would learn to trust her too.