Mei listened to the Esyire's issue, but she had no idea how to help him. She had helped her fellow artist nurse concussions, hallucinations brought about from poisons, even did some remedial counseling before she needed it herself, but she has never dealt with something like this, and not with an Esyire. Mei had to think quickly, and as she looked around for someone to help, she noticed Aruna leaving. That's when Mei had an idea. [b]"Come with me!"[/b] Although Mei was likely not stronger than the Esyire, she was still fairly strong for a human her size, at least enough to get the esyire on his feet. Mei lead him outside to where she had been meditating previously. By not most of the others had left, leaving one or two pairs just sitting around. While Mei did not know the exact abilities of Psychomancer, if he was having "too many thoughts", she figured he should go somewhere where he can focus on just his own. Somewhere away from the eyes and presences of others. At least that's what she thought, because she had no idea what effects this would have on him. [b]"Clear your mind now. Do not focus on anything, simply... Let it be."[/b] easier said than done of course. Mei could clear her mind and make space for a single thing to concentrate on due to past experience, but she can't expect him to do the same. But she can hope.