[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AnHDHQE.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzGwHKIYo9c][i]"The beat breaks and your teeth break Keep your canines embedded in my knuckles as a keepsake It would seem your veneers just mere souvenirs falling out your mouth and on to the landscape"[/i][/url] -- Run the Jewels [/center] [b]Central City, Missouri 10:30 AM[/b] "This isn't a hate crime, is it?" Lenny Snart looked in the rearview mirror of his car. Rhino's hulking frame was shoved into the backseat of Snart's '76 Dodge Dart. Riding shotgun was Electro. Dillon shifted in his seat and looked at the big man with an arched eyebrow. "What do you mean hate crime?" "Stealing from this guy. He's called the Top, right? Isn't that like a gay thing?" "I think you're thinking of a twink," said Electro. "They're both gay things," said Snart. "Is a twink a top?" Rhino asked. "Or is a twink always a bottom?" "Depends on the twink," replied Dillon. "A twink being a bottom isn't mutually exclusive. Depends on the bear-- Jesus!" Electro flinched when he saw Mirror Master in the reflection of the rearview mirror. McCullough smiled widely and winked. "How long have you been there?" Snart asked. "Long enough to catch that riveting conversation. I should have recorded it..." "Where's the money train?" "Few miles north of here, getting on the interstate. If ya hurry you can catch up." Just like that, McCullough disappeared back into the mirror world while Snart started the car and sped away. "What's that squeaking noise?" Rhino asked. "Serpentine belt needs changing," said Snart. "It's the top of my to-do list if we pull off this heist." He hit the interstate and gained speed. Every so often McCulloguh would appear back in the mirror and direct them towards the convoy. Ten miles out of Central City they caught up with three black SUVs speeding down the interstate in a line. Snart slowed down and kept a long leash on the cars. With McCullough shadowing them from the mirror world he wasn't afraid of losing them. Twenty minutes turned into an hour, an hour turned into an hour and a half. Snart kept checking the mirror and waiting for Mirror Master to show back up. "They're getting off at the next exit," McCullough said from the mirror. "Town by the name of Lawson." Snart veered off at exit 47 and cruised through the one-horse town of Lawson, Missouri. There were two red lights and a McDonald's and that was really it. Within five minutes Snart found the town's only bank. Lawson Savings & Loans was the prototypical small bank with small parking and one drive-through lane. Snart cruised by slow enough for them to get a good look, but not slow enough to draw attention. The three SUVs were parked in front of the bank while three men in suits lugged big metal cases inside. "This is gonna be easy," Dillon said once they found a parking spot down the street. "Small town banks are easy as shit, bunch of Barney Fife's patrolling town, and it's far enough away that the Flash won't be wise to it unless we start some shit." "It's going to be tougher than that," Snart said with a sigh. He looked in the rearview mirror. On the other side of the street were two sheriff's deputies in two prowl cars. "Cops are nearby which means they're guarding the transfer from the car to the bank. If as much cash is in that bank as we think, then the Barneys in this town are not going to give it up without a fight. That fucking bank is going to be like a little Fort Knox." "I know," Rhino said. "If only we had superpowers that sure would help." Dillon looked back at Rhino before turning to Snart. "I think I get what Cold's saying. If this is going to be a fight then we'll have to use our powers, which will let Top and his people know who ripped them off... plus, it makes all kinds of noise that will result in the Flash ending up here. Us, crooked cops, and the Flash altogether? That's like the gunfight at the OK Corral on steroids." Snart watched the cop cars pull away as the black SUVs pulled out the parking lot and headed back towards the interstate. "And all it takes is one slip-up. Be a little slow or a little late and it all comes crashing down around us."