[@LotusWarrior][@Lutalica] !!! Yikes. I will rework my post, as it seems the consensus is not in agreement. I figured the [i]lone[/i] sniper would be an aspect played on, whereas the cult would be left ambiguous/not an essential story element. I didn't anticipate drama/action was necessarily a bad aspect of the story's direction, or that the interceding action was across the entire city. [@Lutalica] Bruce's arms were part of an experimental project with Orion. Not sure what you're asking about here. Why would the seer need to know about Bruce to intercede? Can it not be ambigious? Why would the sniper need to be a member of the Nym special forces? What is to imply either individual is a member of any party? Apologies if the post was that bad... I did not anticipate this. If it really is agreed upon with the majority of the cast, I can rework the entire concept. I may have been watching too much Mission Impossible and Sicario.