[color=Palegoldenrod][center][img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzukmgn16S9N3fQEhSPW-fBr9LZQJ7cL1N13h0wGBOFGXRIYpR[/img] [h1]Jayanti Soman[/h1] [h2]Obstacle course [/h2][/center] The happenings at the obstacle tower brought a familiar competitive buzz flying through the ground and Jayanti was no exception. Jayanti had left the cabin counsellor's meeting not too long after Erin's dramatic exit and already the campers were in high spirits, cheering and shouting. Since she arrived at the stands that surrounded the obstacle tower Jayanti had spent the competition on her feet cheering for those nearing the top spot and shouting words of encouragement to those farther behind. There wasn't a child of Iris on the obstacle tower today, it wasn't the most common occurrence, nor was it the rariest. Every now and again Jayanti would have a go on it, more for fun then competition, but she never got too far. Not that she cared really. Today, however, Jayanti kept in the front row of the stand. The wooden bench useless as Jayanti opted to stand for the length of the competition, shouting and cheering and clapping. Soon enough Hawley held the golden ring above his head and, as many did, Jayanti erupted into louder cheers as she made her way to the base of the tower where she congratulated demigod on their effort as they passed her, as she usually did, before she strolled over to a group of people, a few who had participated in the prior spectacle, a couple of camper in the Iris cabin, a handful of campers from elsewhere and slipped into their conversation with ease, looking right in her comfort zone, gesturing wildly with her arms, as she tended to do. The group conversed rather loudly, no topic was in mind as they chatted about trival things and often fit of laughter would spread through the group before they returned to their conversation. Soon enough Jayanti bid them farewell and turned to see a small collection of a few of her other friends, joined by a woman who sat on a horse wearing a purple shirt. From her many years at camp half-blood Jayanti knew well enough that the purple shirt was one of Camp Jupiter but didn't know the woman on the horse, she was most likely a new camper, or visiting. Jayanti practically bounded up to the group in her long-legged strides. "Hellooooooo," she cheerfully called out to the group. "How are we all on this beautiful morning.... or afternoon... or whatever time it is right now," Jayanti shrugged the slight frown that had formed at the end of that sentence quickly becoming her usual large goofy grin.[/color]