The floating Digimon began to giggle, then chuckle. Soon, he broke into a loud, boisterous, if not maniacal laugh. "[color=a2d39c]Hehe, hehehe, HAHAHAHA! Meatures are a hoot,[/color]" he mused to himself, letting out a sigh to regather his spend breath, "[color=a2d39c]No, fighting me won't do anything. Yes, you get to go home if you can fix things, maybe. To the north,[/color]" he began, pointing in the direction behind him, "[color=a2d39c]Castles have appeared, overnight. That's not too unusual. But the armies of Undead Digimon that ushered forth from their gates and began devouring all Digimon in their path, well... you see where I'm going with this,[/color]" he then pointed with his left arm straight out, "[color=a2d39c]The nearest village is east of here. About ninety kilometers away. Have fun.[/color]"