Leo returned her scowl. This girl was going to jeapordize their mission if she kept things up like that. "A few points," Leo retorted. "We've been searching for four days. Just because the bandits are more likely to come out to a seemingly harmless lady over two mage doesn't mean you were here first. Second, who gives a crap? People are being hurt. We're going to stop it. You said it yourself. You stepped in because the guilds wouldn't. Well, our's is willing to." Leo didn't drop the thug during his rant, holding the body towards Ricard. "Do your thing." Ricard hesitated, looking between the two. "Why do we need to fight about this? We could work together," he suggested. Even as he spoke, he touched the thug's face, a spark coming from his fingertips. Slowly, his own features began to change, shifting until he looked exactly like the man he was touching. "We're going to trick the bandits to lead us to their hideout. Leo's our only fighter, so we could use the help." Ricard's voice had shifted as well, matching that of the unconscious goon. Leo's frown deepened. "We don't need her help," he replied. "These bandits are worthless. Besides, it's our jobs. The villagers submitted it to us themselves."