Sektor had remained silent during most of the conversation, instead keeping it's 'eye' on Kate very protectively. However it paid attention once the cyborg's radio came to life, [i]"We have a 10-18. Locals found a female, Blonde, mid twenties, behind block 14-5 of D-10. Woman was wearing a thin red dress and was previously seen in hotzone 2, aka the Spit. Requesting investigation asap."[/i] The young female voice said aloud to the cyborg. Sektor looked down once more at Kate and spoke, "Katherine Saunder's mobile platform appears to be in deep thought. You wish to go to 'the Spit'." The robot began. "Recommendation: This unit has reached consensus; if Katherine Saunders wishes to go to 'The Spit', this platform can increase combat efficiency by an estimated 67% with weaponry." Sektor then began on another part of the subject, "Running extranet search protocols on 'The Spit'. Pending. Consensus reached. 'The Spit' is a common haven for drug dealers, prostitutes, fighters, and common criminals. This unit cannot reach consensus. Organic mobile platforms purposefully poison themselves with alcohol, damage auditory receptors with loud music, and open up their firewalls to accept incoming sexually transmitted disease. However, guardian program takes dominance. This unit will sacrifice itself for the safety of Katherine Saunders." Sektor stopped once more, "Studying organic fighting techniques. This unit is capable of exerting strength and force an estimated ten times the capacity of an organic platform. This unit is downloading and analyzing any and all fighting techniques. This unit is capable of fighting an estimate of 7 average sized men in hand-to-hand combat with accepted efficiency."