Elysia made a smug face at the woman. [color=ed1c24]"har-de-har."[/color] She finished harvesting the Jaggi with a smooth flick of her blade, wiping the blood on the grass. She left the creature's head laying in the dirt. Any other time she would have considered maybe taking it, burying it in the ground for a couple of months and then pulling it out after nature had cleaned it off. But it wasn't a very impressive skull, and she'd rather keep something bigger. Staring at the stubby little bone the other woman pulled out, Elysia raised an eyebrow. [color=ed1c24]"Don't you think you should take one of the slightly bigger bones? Like one of the ones from the thigh? Maybe you should take its pelvis."[/color] She snorted, laughing faintly at her own joke. Elysia sheathed her knife smoothly, hefting her switch axe onto her back. She'd have to finish sharpening the thing somewhere else, where the scent of monster blood wasn't going to attract anything. Though she was half tempted to stay out a bit longer just to see what the scent of Jaggi blood attracted, she wasn't keen on fighting whatever that creature would be. Which would likely happen. [color=ed1c24]"I think i'd like to go back to the village and pretend like none of this happened."[/color] she stated. Glancing up at the man who had just cut out the sinew from the Greater Jaggi, Elysia smirked. "You wish you could party as hard as I do." She sauntered over to him, flicking a finger over towards the three hunters. [color=ed1c24]"What about you all? Going to share your names or am i going to have to give you weird nicknames?"[/color]