[u]Province 19[/u] The shadows remain on the other side. But not for long. Last time they had this long of a reprieve the monsters that had come next were unprecedented in their ferocity and had barely been driven off. Who knows what would come next? It seemed every time the enemy came back they were stronger, smarter, had some new adaption or another. Yet even now Andinon couldn't risk an attack on the darkness. There was too much at stake. They would just have to hold them back until the other nations could gather their strength for a breakthrough. Tushenia was driving into the darkness with an army that consisted of most of its military force. All Andinon had to do was keep holding out, for however long was needed. The scouting forces that had been sent out either hadn't returned or had come back with precious little information. Further attempts were dismissed, it was no good sending good pilots to their deaths. Forces were constantly sent to shore up the borders. There was little else they could do. [hider=Actions] Research: Conjure Familiars, Turn 2 Recruit 1 Dirigible in all Provinces. Recruit 1 Pistoler in provinces 13, 14 Recruit Heavy Infantry in Provinces 6, 15, 19 Remaining Garrison of Province 6 -14 War Magi -14 Units of Pistolers -15 Units of Magi -15 Units of Heavy Infantry -10 Artillery -5 Arquebus Remaining Garrison of Province 15 -6 War Magi -6 units of Pistolers -14 units of Magi -3 Units of Heavy Infantry -3 Artillery -5 Dirigibles -5 Arquebussers Remaining Garrison in Province 19 -24 War-Magi -6 units of Pistolers -4 Artillery -4 Arquebussers -1 Heavy Infantry -28 Dirgibles Garrison of Province 14 -1 Arquebus Armies in Province 13 -1 Pistoler [/hider]