[i]I always hated ground ops[/i] Trapp thought, [i]a little too personal for my tastes.[/i] He reached down and prayed the rifle from the hands of one of the soldiers that Maki had killed with brutal efficiency. It was a standard coalition model, select fire, 5.56 with a twenty round mag. It certainly wasn't going to blow anyone away in amazement but it got the job done. There was a time at the academy when he could of stripped one of these bare blindfolded, but that was years ago and before his hands hands started shaking. [color=lightgreen]“Normally I’m encouraged to be strongly reprehend fraternization among the ranks. But if we make it out of here alive, and you keep on doing that to any of the guards we run across you can do whatever you want with the Captain.... but please don’t tell her I give you permission to do that, I’d rather not have to peel potatoes for the next six months.”[/color] Trapp responded to Maki though as he did he took one step away from her and her psychotic grin as he continued rummaging about the guards body. As he stripped the guard for the rest of his ammo and supplies, he also took a handset which was connected to a small pack that clipped to the guard’s waist. Trapp examined it for a moment before he clipped it to his own pants and put the headset on. Reaching down with a flick of his fingers he turned the pack on and he could hear the device hum to life. Moments later he was assaulted with sounds of activity on the other end. Voices began chiming in each and every way as squadron commanders rallied back troop locations back to Command as they secured the compound for the incoming UEE assault that was to come very shortly. His face scrunched up in an odd contortion of pain as he grinded his molars against one another as he focused on the noise acclimating to it. Rather quickly as he was accustomed to these sort of things he was able to start backing up different voices and assigning them to different units and locations given him a somewhat okay idea of at least the locations where the enemy was most heavily concentrated. Then the box beeped as a call was coming in on another line, fumbling for a moment with the buttons he found the right one and switched over. [b]“Two-Two-Four, repeat Two-Two-Four do you read?” [/b]Trapp recognized the voice coming over the line, it was the same voice that was on the Speaker a moment ago. He looked towards the man that Maki had killed, similar height and age to him if a bit more on the muscular side of things. Only really having their death screams to go on, Trapp took a shot in the dark and dropped his own voice a little as he spoke. [color=lightgreen]“Two-Two-Four reporting in.”[/color] Trapp spoke into the headset looking at Maki and Alice who were giving him strange looks as he pointed towards the headset. [b]“Oh there you are. Thought we lost you there for a second. You secure those prisoners yet?”[/b] The voice asked sounding slightly relieved probably in the chaos not reeling paying attention to the fact that the voice she knew sounded somewhat different with tones of a earthward accent. [color=lightgreen]“Roger that. Bringing them in right?”[/color] Trapp asked as he tried his best to kept his words as vague as possible to not say something that was outright wrong. [b]“Yeah we’ll try and get em out for transit once we finish getting the scientists secured. There being a pain in the ass worrying about the Yggdrasil more than they are worrying about themselves.” [/b]The voice responded sounded annoyed and exasperated as if she had been dealing with frantic angry scientist for far too long. Trapp almost felt sympathy for her he knew how tightly wound the UEE techies could be and he could only imagine that the Coalition ones were even worse. [color=lightgreen]“Roger that Two-Two-Four out.”[/color] Trapp responded and switched the headset back to the other channel. [i]The Yggdrasil[/i] probably some sort of Coalition project of sorts being tested at the base. Judging from the ship that had managed to drag them out of hyperspace with a interstellar harpoon gun, Jehan most of been some sort of Coalition research planet of some sort. Maybe this Yggdrasil was worth looking into if the scientists wanted to protect it that bad. That or from his luck it was probably going to be some sort of agriculture device that raises crop productivity. But there was one way to find out. The data center that Alice was talking about, if they could just get there well one of those computers could probably tell him what was what. And if it was on the way, well they might as well not make this whole endeavor a useless one. Coalition documents from a secure research facility could provide a valuable asset for the UEE. Maybe it would be enough to have Ardin not flay him alive as soon as he stepped back onboard the Lincoln wishful thinking really. [color=lightgreen]“Well Alice.... If you and your fancy UEE top secret technology can break into their systems in about ten minutes or so I think Maki and I can hold off any unsuspecting guards that might come our way. Isn't that right Ms. Nishizumi?”[/color] Not waiting for the sarcastic quip that was sure to follow he continued. [color=lightgreen]“But before we worry about that we have to get out of the prison, and that elevators our only way through. So let's go.”[/color] Without waiting for conformation he pushed on ahead towards the right and pressed the singular up button.There was a click and a minuet or so later a melodic ding. As the doors opened, Trapp trained the assault rifle on the door and waited. Two fresh looking grunts - one male and the other female looked at the trio in shock but before they could train their own weapons on them there was a large shock of sound followed by another as Trapp trained to shoot first and asked question later almost on instinct put a three round burst into each of them dropping them to the ground quickly. He tried his best to not think about the mothers who would be crying later when they found out about their children or how young the two of them looked probably barely over eighteen years. It was harder not when you weren't separated by the void of space and the thick metal plating of your MAS, but Trapp was still able to do it. Stepping inside he turned back to the other two as he flipped the safety back on the rifle. [color=lightgreen]“Going up.”[/color]