So when I was in school, we had a campus PETA group and they were pretty much reviled all over campus. They would actually go into the dining room and yell and scream at people eating meat, they'd put TV's right outside the dining hall or one of the main lobbies and show videos of cows and turkeys and pigs...and chickens all being slaughtered. My friends and I got into it with them quite a lot, and we ended up making a joke "club" and put posters up all over the place, mostly where they tended to congregate. The club was called SPAAT (Society for the Prevention and Awareness of Agricultural Torture). The posters consisted of a carrot in overalls with a single tear in it's eye, the the tag line "Sure, Tell HIM You're Going to Open a Juice Bar!" It pissed off the PETA group, everyone on campus thought it was hilarious, including the President who made a mention of our "group" in one of his speeches. However, ultimate victory didn't come until one balmy Thanksgiving "Break" (gotta love 4 day weekends). Over that holiday weekend, members of the campus PETA group broke into a local turkey farm and released all the turkeys into the wild. Where they were quickly and unceremoniously eaten by coyotes. They were quickly caught by the esteemed local police department (think Mayberry PD...but with riot gear and bad attitudes) and charged. Eventually they were convicted, and the students responsible (which was most of the leadership of the group, sans the actual organization president) were forced to pay for the turkeys (I don't remember the amount, but it was 5 figures in lost turkeys) and they were also expelled from the school, and the organization was permanently banned from campus. A small aside, the president of the PETA group tried to get around the ban by starting her own co-ed frat, but she was denied by the Greek Society on campus, so PETA was never seen nor heard from again...and we all lived happily ever after, except for that bitch, who was miserable and ended her school career in relative solitude.