[quote=@Wind Wild] [@tex] Thank you for the explanations. It certainly sounds more encouraging than what your co-GM said which I appreciate. I'll keep all that in mind and I'll make a response on Monday or Tuesday. Sorry for the dely, I was distracted and uninspired. On another note I feel the need to mention that despite how capable Onweer may sound, it's her own ego speaking and not me desiring to make the most OP or badass character. I see RPing as a group project and innthe future if I make any mistakes I'd appreciate it if I have things explained to me patiently. I strive for realism just as much as you guys but since writing fantasy is largely a matter of imaginatiin on top of facts and the line is always less clear in players' minds than in GMs'. [/quote] It's quite alright, I encourage people to enjoy themselves above all else, except the expense of the universe/other characters. Me and Hatman will speak up in the future if anything seems a little out of place, but we're fairly flexible on a lot of things considering the setting. There's also room for character growth, but it'd be a good idea to blatantly (Or subtly) hint towards character improvement/capabilities so that there isn't any confusion in the future. Also note to everyone, if you'd like to have some significant input on the flow of the story, let me know via PM. I already have a plan for the plot, but the direction and pace is also dependant on how the characters choose to go about their business.