[quote=@Monochromatic Rainbow] [@bobert778] Things have been on the backburner due to our resident hippie queen, Darcs, more or less lacking a reliable means of communication. Now that she has a computer (albeit a loaned Chromebook) work can begin in earnest! We've already got a lot of ideas that should make things quite interesting, and me being me, I've expanded the map considerably. I love maps. And extra people! [@lavulman] Look! An extra person! [h1][u][i][b]JOIN US. [/b][/i][/u][/h1] [/quote] So do I get an informational pamphlet? Like, I'm all for the creepy rituals and chanting in unison, but strict dress codes never sit well with me. Not much you can do with hooded robes, you know? Metaphorical tangents aside, though, when's this shit happening? RPing hasn't really been going a favorable pace for me for a long time and I'm itching to do more of it.