Lucid's eyes twitched at the man's screams of agony and pain. He saw the flesh turned into pink, to bright red, and fiery in a couple of minutes. 'This guy's gonna die if the flames keep going on.' He thought. But, his guess was entirely wrong. The flame that engulfed Thomas's body disappeared just after the blood came out of his body. The young demon saw his skin turned back into normal less than a minute, and Lucid clapped in amusement. How amazing, he thought. As the man collapsed, he approached the unconscious human and poked him on the cheek. "Hm.. I'm gonna take you back to your home." A smirk splayed across his pale skin, and flawless face as he carried the human on his back. He knew where this guy lived, and he will take the human back. With a light steps, he jumped off the building and flew to the apartment district. No one can see him, but the human is visible to everyone. Crowds below him fussed over a flying man, or, more like floating. They was amused, thinking that the floating matter was from a magic tv show or something. And that left Lucid with a scowl. When he's arrived, he opened the door easily with his power and laid the human on sofa. Still unconscious. The young demon decided to help himself with anything around the house. While he's walking to the kitchen to grab some food, he made his hair shorter and wings disappear. He also put on jeans and a casual shirt, to make himself look like a human. Now, the only thing he needs to do, is to wait for the human, and.. grab something to eat. He's starving.