[quote=@Dedonus] [@nitemare shape]: Did anyone ever try to tell them that wild animals eat wild animals? Did they not watch the Lion King and understand the Circle of Life! All I can say is, C'mon Man! [/quote] Well, it seems they missed the memo from that story. Though honestly, I doubt all PETA people follow that stereo type. Many understand, though some disagree, that humans can't live on vegetables and fruit alone because our bodies weren't made to. We're carnivores/omnivores naturally and while some people are willing to get their needed nutrients gain by meat consumption elsewhere, a lot of us aren't or can afford it. I can understand and in some view points, agree with PETA over some topics like say the treatment of pets, livestocks' living conditions for meat productions and similar subjects. I think, if you're going to butcher animals in any quantity, their living conditions should be clean, healthy, and short suffering when you go to butcher them. No creature likes dying to be ate, but even a lion has enough sense to suffocate their victim as they are killing it which is a lot less painful then being beaten to death. At least to me. There are some cruel individuals in the world because they think they can punish and make those silent victims suffer, all to make them feel better and higher up in power. It's in cases like those, I think PETA has a little of a point though how they go about is not the best way. Alright, my serious moment is over... ^-^