[center][color=F4A460][h2][sub][i]Senua[/i][/sub][/h2][/color][/center] [center][color=F4A460][i]Unknown Location ♦ 500 HP 5/6 Stamina[/i][/color][hr][/center] As her broadsword swung in the air, it's heavy weight swinging down onto the unsuspecting neck of the faceless creatures, what followed next was something that was totally unexpected. Senua had decapitated foes before, be it beast or man, and she knew what it felt like, but this, this was something else entirely. As her weapon swung down onto the neck of her victim, the blade cleaved through the flesh like a knife through butter, with hardly any resistance one would usually expect from a creature with muscles and bones. The feeling of this was akin to slicing through a large chunk of de-boned meat with a sword. She watched as the head fell from its body, the part rolling on the ground, blackened ichor sprouting from the gaping wounds. The stench it gave off was putrid and rancid all at the same time, and it took the best of her willpower to prevent herself from gagging right there and then. Senua had certainly not expected to be the first to fell such a creature, when there were more seasoned warriors within the group, but it seems like fate had chosen to give her something to be proud of. One of the youngest in the group, the girl had definitely not expected to not only be the first one to fell a faceless one, let alone the only one to manage to do so. Thankfully, her surprising feat had boosted the morale of her entire group, rallying their efforts against the faceless bandits. That was great, however unplanned it was, the girl was jubilant that she had managed to raise the spirits of her comrades and prove that these creatures could be felled. Concentrated efforts were now directed towards the heads of these creatures and would no doubt be met with similar successes. Should have went for the heads first. Her [i]pa[/i] had always told her, "Cut off the head and the body dies." Senua had always kept that phrase to heart as she has on many occasions seen the merit of it. A quick glance away saw the giant, who was also the most heavily armoured in the group take a hit, but she had no doubt that he would be alright. He looked like a really tough guy, that one. Once again, strikes were made to the head. They were all aiming for the head now as they hoped for similar successes like the one she had achieved a while ago. The sooner they were done with the likes of these, the better. Just aim for the heads. Positioning herself towards the back of yet another faceless creature engaged with one of her comrades, she swung her sword hoping to catch yet another faceless creature by surprise.