I suppose this is another reason why I hate frameworks that are [i]vague[/i]. It just leads to such confusion, misunderstanding, and miscommunication. In Carol’s debut post where she began to deal with The Brotherhood, I indeed mentioned an X-Men for a variety of reasons. One of which of a shared universe is to mention things at large to make connections as well as elaborating on a perspective of a character so they don’t seem to live in a vacuum. I was not simply “just mentioning them for the sake of filling out a post” which I reject the assertion completely. Also, do understand at the time I brainstormed that post somebody in the OOC said they were making a [i]Charles Xavier[/i] sheet. So implying my mention was pointless padding or a senseless reference point is pretty disheartening for me as a collaborator in this thing. I’m not necessarily offended, but it does kind of make me take a step back for a moment. We have to remember, also, that Magento tried to [i]kill[/i] the President in a public fashion [i]three[/i] years ago. So the Brotherhood existing and the X-Men not feels like The Joker existing before Batman. It’s been done, but I wasn’t aware that was the way things were panning out. All I was asking is for some [b]clarification[/b] whether they exist so I can decide if I need to edit one or two lines out of a post I made over two days ago. It was not meant as a debate. Why did it have to become a debate. I also do not need two people implying I did it for no reason and was pointless, trying to swap my hand with a flyswatter like this is something I need to be lectured about. It isn't intuitive for me wanting to write. All you had to do was "No, the X-Men are not something Carol would be aware of. They do not exist or are not known about." I would've edited my post thusly. It's not that crazy.