[@thewizardguy] Mithias lowered his altitude a little, to match eye to eye with his astute opponent. He looked him over briefly. The man appeared to be human in body, but clearly more than that in ability. The scars he bore showed as proof of his past struggles. Clearly, this was a man who had fought to attain his power, and yet indicated that he feared to be judged as weak. "I never judge on looks." The flying vampire responded calmly. Mithias really had no idea how he was going to deal with explosive blasts on par with nuclear bombs, but then again, how was an unarmed martial artist going to deal with two summonable swords that had the capacity to cut spirit? Not to mention Mithias' other attributes and skills... He'd probably stick to non-lethal techniques for the good of his practice partner. "I have come to challenge you. ... What are the terms of our duel?"