Richard caught a quick glimpse of Casper, but his interest or concern for the man were far from priority at the moment. Armed only with a knife he made his way out the door with the civs to be sure they were headed in the right direction, and most were. The culvert ran into open concrete ditches that went along the alleyways behind the buildings. It looked like they were about this quickest way to the treeline. Holding position in the culvert pipes he wondered if he should go ahead and take point, or if he should wait for Marcus. It was important to get the civs to safety, right now that was priority 1. "Stick close and do as I say." He said to the group then started moving out, them following close behind. "I know, stick with me okay. We'll get through this together." Rin told Tess, trying to keep her calm and focused. She had been in very few ground based battles, most her experience was in a Viper and she knew that was even more so for Tess. Drawing close to the front entrance Rin could hear gunfire drawing closer. "What do you have?" She quickly asked Tess to determine what weapons she had.