Marcus was near the exit by the back door, across from Richard and watching as people filed through after the other with his back to the wall searching for an obvious face but not seeing it. When Casper reappeared at his side, Marcus glanced at him before towards the entrance to the food court where an all too familiar rattle could be heard. "I think that's everyone that can walk, didnt see your friends though," Casper said, his voice that cold even tone now that Marcus found oddly comforting in these situations. "I didnt see them either, save for Catch but he's out the door by now," Marcus said in answer, his fingers tightening and loosening their grip repeatedly around hsi borrowed knife. Damn pack was back in his room. "Follow after them and cover their rear, I'll meet up with you guys once Rin and Tess are clear." Casper snorted clearly having none of that. "Fuck that. What happened last time I let you ditch me?" Marcus scowled, about to protest when they were forced to duck as the front doors burst open and two canisters clattered and rolled into the room. "Gas!" Shouted Cas as a warning to anyone else in the immediate area before the canisters burst with sinister hisses, soon followed by muffled shouts and the sound of organized suppression fire. "okay, okay," Tess exhaled, skidding to a stop when Rin did and ducking down behind a counter when the gun fire started and shouting came from up ahead. "Pocket knife, thats it I didnt pack an armory or anything!" She said, doing her best not to panic. "What, what about you? Did you grab Marcus's stuff? Im sure he packed like an AK or something, right? Did you get it?"