[b]This Is the Randomly Generated setting:[/b] Nyamene, an ancient world of rolling hills and shadowed woodlands, beneath an azure sky. The world is primarily populated by humans, with smaller numbers of other races. [b]This Is the Random Starting Town:[/b] Saburah, Population 130, mixed human and elf and half-elf. The village sits upon the banks of a stream, spanned by a bridge. It is governed by a noble aristocrat, a dragon named Tanabi. [b]Tanabi NPC Stats:[/B] Attack:6693 Defense:6565 Speed:6507 Power:6660 Cunning:6619 Intelligence:6600 Bravery:6750 Skill:6534 Health:6666 Magic:6666 [b]Rescources For Making A Character[/B] Characters will be made randomly, along with dungeons, NPC's, and Boss Fights. Boss NPC's, like Tanabi, are designed to be unbeatable. Your stats are Attack, Defense, Speed, Power, Cunning, Intelligence, Bravery, Skill, Health, and Magic. I will use Statgen to make these stats., and Donjon to make NPC's. Use the NPC generator to make your character, however you should change it to be neutral when you find the character you want to use. I will only accept ten characters. [b]Map:[/b] [img=http://worldgen.bin.sh/worldgen.cgi?palette=Atlas&iter=5000&cmd=Create&pct_ice=10&height=400&seed=1393301189&rotate=0&projection=Square&pct_water=50&motif=] [b]Starting Town Map:[/b] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2m5z3ib.png[/IMG] [b]Our Goal:[/B] Foeblade, a masterwork scythe engraved with the holy symbol of a war god. It is said to lead the one who wields it to wealth and glory. [b]Now Begin![/b]