For a moment at least, it appeared as if Nightscream was marveled if not simply intrigued by Turbulence's medic-friendly layout. The Decepticon in fact even complimented him on his "cooperation" and proceeded with the operation gutting-free. However before Turbulence even knew it, Nightscream's faint discharge of her Null Ray had worked much faster than he had previous calculated. In an instant, the Autobot quickly put offline. Before long, a surge of energy reinitialized Turbulence's systems, with internal readouts barking off numerous receding system error and malfunction assessments while he attempted to grasp what had happened the moment before he blacked out. Nightscream openly apologized to him and explained that the Null Ray discharge had become much more effective once his insides were [i]literally[/i] exposed, allowing the energy pulses to easily spread through his entire system. It was something Turbulence admitted on not counting on originally but nonetheless explained his unexpected shutdown. "I'll have to remember that [i]next time[/i]..." Turbulence replied before catching himself speaking as if he were talking to one of the Autobot whom operated on him previously, "Err...Sorry, force of habit. I'll hunt down Prism for you." Just as he stepped outside the operating facility, Turbulence took the opportunity to run a quick system diagnostic of himself. To his satisfaction, much of his vehicle mode components were reporting smooth operation performance though his still-jammed neutron assault array still barred warnings at him. Groaning with annoyance, he slammed a fist against his chest as a rash response. Upon the hard contact, Turbulence felt something being forced back into place while two multi-barreled weapons deployed from his chest cavity. "Hah!" he said in amusement with the success of his own "troubleshooting". Getting back on track, Turbulence made his way towards the elevator after recalling Nightscream's previous mention of possible supplies to be scavenged at the barracks which were of course located on Sub Level Two. Obviously interested in going there himself for any extra gear he may make use of, Turbulence tapped the call sensor of he elevator's control interface. A holographic dial of Cybertronian numbers appeared above the interface, counting down from the position the platform was originally docked at. A sudden wave of concern washed over Turbulence as he read the dial, claiming the elevator was arriving from Sub Level Twenty; the section Nightsrcream had vaguely advised them not to visit. "Ah...Prism? Before Nightscream finds out; why in Primus' name are you guys on Sub Level Twenty...?" asked Turbulence though his comms, attempting to reach Prism on the other end.