[CENTER][SUB][color=silver][I]Lord Wraith presents[/i][/color][/SUB] [hr][hr][img]http://s7.postimg.org/fmzoja6uj/EOMhjz1456411855.png[/img][hr][hr][sup][color=silver][B]'O N E K N I G H T T O K I L L T H E B A T'[/B][/color][/SUP][/center] [COLOR=Slategray][B]G O T H A M C I T Y – U N I T E D S T A T E S[/B][/COLOR] [INDENT]Pain enveloped Sasha's body as she hit the floor. Shards of glass embedded themselves in her back as she pushed Mister Wayne to the floor. Her head was spinning as she pushed through the pain. Rolling off of Wayne, Sasha pumped her legs into the air as she caught a table from its underside and flipped it over. While it wasn't much of a barricade, it would have to do for the time being. "Mister Wayne we have to move." Sasha ordered as she pulled her firearm from her garter. "Now!" She snapped before another voice could be heard over her. "Sasha you need medical attention." Bruce replied as he eyeballed the numerous wounds to her back. "Not really the time for concern Bruce. My job is to ensure your well being at the cost of my own. Alfred was very clear on that when he hired me." Sasha answered through gritted teeth as blood trickled down her back before soaking into her dress. Blue satin stained purple as the crimson fluid meshed with the smooth fabric. "Wallets, jewelry and any other valuables on the floor in front of you and take a step back." The presumed leader of the gunman yelled as his cohorts pulled several sacks from their back pockets. "Move Bruce!" Sasha yelled as she stood up only to drop to the ground as a tire iron caught her across the back of the head. "Well hello there, Bruce Way-" The thug was cut off as Bruce quickly disarmed the man and delivered a blow to the man's head rendering him unconscious. Lifting Sasha over his shoulder, Bruce pushed his way through the panicked crowd making his way to Alfred. "Take care of her." Bruce ordered, his voice becoming gravelly. "There's a fresh suit in the car." Alfred replied casually as Bruce nodded his thanks before disappearing. The screeching of tires on asphalt caught the butler's attention as flashes of red and blue filled the room the hospital lobby. The sounds of police sirens echoed along the streets as officers began to climb out of the cars, weapons trained on the gunmen within the hospital as the criminals began to scramble for hostages. "Shit!" One of the gunmen screamed. "You said we'd kill the Bat and leave." "Fuck you, they weren't supposed to be here!" Came the reply of another. "The Bat should have been here by now." The leader screamed as he opened fire on the officers exiting the vehicles. "Stay back and no one gets hurt!" "GCPD!" The voice of Captain James Gordon yelled over the dull roar. "Weapons on the ground, hands behind your head." "Fuck you pig!" The leader yelled. "I said get back and no one gets hurt!" Cocking his gun he held it against the head of a young socialite. "Poor choice." A growl came from behind the gunman as darkness descended over him. The cracking of bones was followed by the clatter of the gun hitting the floor as the other gun men stared in shock as the Batman held their leader by his throat before delivering a swift blow to his head and dropping the limp body to the ground. "It's the fuckin' Bat!" The crook barely had time to finish his cry before the Bat was on top of him. Gunfire exploded aimlessly into the air as a grapple fired from the Bat's wrist pulling another gunman towards him. The resounding crack echoed as the Bat rushed forward, dropping the man with an outstretched arm before launching himself into a spinning kick and landing on top of the next crook. Ribs cracked and splintered as the man hit the ground, projectiles exploding from the Batman's hands as he drew them from his belt. Batarangs spun through the air, biting into shoulders, hands and legs as the remaining thugs screamed in agony before Batman took both by the neck and smashed their empty skulls together. "Batman!" The voice of Captain Gordon came again. "I need you to surrender. Please don't make this difficult." "Not tonight I'm afraid." Came the steely reply as a cloud of smoke encompassed the Batman. Several shots rang out before Gordon raised his hand and yelled to his men. "Hold your fire!" The sound of a jet engine above the street drew Jim's attention as he ran out of the hospital just in time to watch the Batwing disappear into the Gotham sky.[/INDENT]