Sigurd, bearing no knowledge of the Hyperarmour and its potential use in the river confrontation, had planned for his large enemy’s defence. It was not unreasonable to sacrifice ones arm to parry an otherwise lethal attack and although one would expect a rational and calm individual to throw their weaker arm, usually the left, into the path of the attack it was often the dominant arm that reacted in times of crisis. Sigurd had guessed all of this, and had stepped leftward appropriately, forcing his enemy to reach further and pressing his advantage on the man’s weaker side. The thump of his great weight slamming into the slightly treacherous ground beyond the stream was audible as he dropped to the ground. Unconsciously, as Sigurd’s battle trained eyes swept the scene he saw the glint of the axe-head poking out of the mud by the stream’s edge where it fell. As the Northman had always intended, his hand was reaching for an axe as his enemy dropped to the ground and composed himself. Now he had relatively full mobility and could use it, making an axe throw more difficult for Sigurd. With that in mind, more elaborate methods were required to weaken his enemy further before attempting to slay him with a sword. He would come at him fast, using his weight and evident strength to close the distance to a grappling situation. Sigurd led with his shield and his left side, so the man’s first target would probably be the shield, perhaps grabbing it to wrest it from his grip, perhaps striking it to open the line to Sigurd’s body. Sigurd’s side step had the desired effect, gaining him additional time and space to prepare for the charge to come. His pale eyes narrowed. He was not to be disappointed. The man leapt at him, closing the distance in a single great bound as his body movements revealed his left arm was indeed to be launched at Sigurd’s shield. Sigurd however had his own designs, a single step back on his right foot parallel to the stream and his left to follow, giving Gigue that extra distance to contend with. His hand would fly into open air as the shield jerked back, the edge facing Gigue and revealing in full the axe in Sigurd’s free hand, held aloft and ready to throw. Sigurd’s arm jerked forward violently, as if to launch the weapon full force directly into Gigue’s exposed left side as he stretched across Sigurd’s own body to strike at his shield. However, the act was one of subterfuge, with the axe in hand he had all the power so long as his enemy feared its bite. It was not a threat that could be ignored.