[@Divinity] I've locked his control over Gravity & Space/Time. I was pretty sure I did already, because those are mainly there so he can keep up with high power tiers. I also cut out and copied his sheet back in like twice, because I was unsure of playing him, but I think he should be a fair opponent with those three runes locked? The rest of his spellset isn't as impressive. His Geomancy is low-class, and alchemy's only benefit to this fight is in the form of wisdom. If you're still having doubts, I can continue to work on the character I had in mind to fight you at first? EDIT: I was mainly in a rush, and Myron was a completed character. He's definitely at the high end of mid-level combat, even with those runes taken out. If you're interested in facing him, I'll keep him as is - maybe take out the rift portals? Otherwise the option is up to you... I'm going to continue trying to make a roster of characters for myself to use, instead of relying on the only up-to-date ones I have. There was a vagueness in Corban's profile, which lead me to believe Ishtalle could transform in to a magitech gun? Just the conversation earlier about it, and the broadness of her skillset. I added Myron because he's one of my only mages I see capable of handling gunfire. Although squishy, he still has a huge array of capabilities. EDIT X2: If I finish Illiam's profile in time, I'll fight you with the elf instead.