Benjamin frowned slightly, for a small child, this girl sure did ask a lot of questions that were not entirely suitable for someone so small. In fact, he wasn't so sure that she was even a human and it had to do with her little story. Too anyone else it would sound just like that, a child's family but Ben knew better. He had met the one who was on both sides during the conflict and they revealed much to him on the nature of how it all started. He didn't answer the first question, and moved on to the second, "Is it right to do it? Is it not right to save our home from destruction? Or should we all just stand idly by and watch Earth die around us? Forgive me, my child, for stepping up to the plate where others have not. All I am trying to do, is save Earth, this is why I called the meeting- so other people know what is happening and they can offer help." "Now, this may come as a surprise to you, but which one of them are you?" He whispered the question to the girl, and if he was right, she would properly reveal herself to him. He waited for a moment, before hearing something that wasn't really uncommon anymore. He found the culprit immediately, a large fellow holding on to a small women. Ben could not see her face, but knew something was wrong as she tried to break free. Without saying much of a word he walked away from the little girl and over to the large fellow. His presence was minuscule compared to the giant of a man, but he was not intimidated. For the first time he saw the women, and she was incredibly beautiful. This fact only added too Ben's anger, who was this man to hurt something to pretty? He pointed at the man and shouted, "You! Let go of her now or you will regret it!" [@Deyedreamer][@Forsythe]