What you may be looking for, Luminosity, is an [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knightly_sword]arming sword/knightly sword[/url] rather than a longsword. Longswords are two-handed warfighting weapons, but what a lot of video games and other modern material calls longswords are actually that arming sword/knightly sword up there. I'unno. I'll admit to having not read the sheet, but the debate seemed to be one where that fudge was relevant. I've seen [i]a lot[/i] a lot of folks fall down that trap. Anyways. Insofar as ranged defense on a lightweight dispowered character...well. Most of the historically accurate defenses against ranged weapons generally came down to "wear a lot of metal" or "carry a big freaking shield"; something to get in the way. Neither of which are options. You could probably get away with carrying a buckler shield, though. While [b][i]I[/i][/b] wouldn't want to try and protect myself from arrows with a dinner plate on a handle, I would take the dinner plate on a handle any day over nada. And bucklers were easily enough worn on a belt or such (they were, in fact, designed for it if I recall) and could thus be taken up at need with your free hand rather than having to permanently occupy that mitt. Also a helm of some sort. There's a reason all those old gladiators out there are shown as nekkid save for one arm and a helm. Gotta keep dat noggin intact in front of damn near everything else.