[@Framing A Moose] There are currently about four different storylines going on. One, where a man named Drac is attempting to change history, and avoid the destruction of the multiverse at large..... Two, where a Vampire named Mithias is asking for training from someone that to me, from their discription, sounds like a master of the wolf fang style of martial arts..... three, a storyline where a mutant named Theta has been sorta kidnapped by a powerful empire, after her boyfriend, a character named Tiny, was seemingly killed by them. She's currently being treated at a hospital for the mentally unstable, and super powerful. Finally, four, a sorta branching story of two demons, one a reformed bad guy, and one a slick evil S.O.B, are seeking out a weapon of great power, and running along side that, is a story of two scientists investigating a fracture in space and time, only to be confronted by a mysterious stranger.